Blocks are bricks, and bundles are buildings

06 January 2014

A couple of days ago I was asked about some basic things of using BEM project stub from someone who is enjoying the full BEM stack (BEM-CSS, i-bem.js and BEMHTML templates) for their projects. Answering the questions I promised to turn the information into text as we always skip many important things mistakenly considering them being primitive.

The quesion was about .bem/make.js configuration file which is needed if you use bem tools to build your pages. The 12th and 13th lines describe regular expressions to match blocks and bundles. And the meaning of these terms turned out to be unclear.

First of all, the expressions are to detect folders on the project file system. Those which end with .blocks store blocks, and those which end with .bundles store bundles. The desktop.blocks and desktop.bundles folders of the project stub demonstrate this.

The purpose of desktop.blocks folder should be clear. As BEM is a modular development pattern there has to be a place to store modules, the so-called blocks. Each block has its own directory to keep all the files needed for this particular interface module. E.g. one project block set.

The desktop.bundles folder needs some comments. It stores pages, which are the result of blocks applied. Every page has its own folder and inside you can find different files needed for a page to function. Examine the example project again.

The difference is that block files are coded by a developer, as bundle files are built with the tools. Block files are our dear CSS, JavaScript and sometimes templates.

├── desktop.blocks/
│   ├── goods/
│   │   ├── goods.bemhtml
│   │   ├── goods.css
│   │   ├── goods.deps.js
│   │   └──

Real world analogy of a BEM block (and actually any module of any modular pattern) can be a buiding brick.

Bundle files are also what a browser can read: CSS, JavaScript, HTML. None of them was written by a person, they are built with BEM tools. Have a look inside to be sure that this is robot's code.

├── desktop.bundles/
│   ├── index/
│   │   ├── _index.css
│   │   ├── _index.js
│   │   ├── index.bemjson.js
│   │   └── index.html

Think about bem tools as about building crane to pick up the bricks and make a house with them.

Besides _.js, _.css and *.html files there is the only one here written by a developer. This is index.bemjson.js, the JSON decription of what are the blocks on a page and what it their nested structure. Sounds logical, as only we human can know what we would like to see on a page. Everything else is produced by the bem tools. Once given informaiton about which blocks to use for a page, they pick them up from desktop.blocks set of blocks and do their job.

Extending the building-a-house example I can say that page.bemjson.js file here is a draft.

But why do bem tools need the regular expessions?

This is quite easy. The folders bem tools operate with are levels. It can help if you think about a level as about a set, a set of entities. There can be a set of blocks wraped with desktop.blocks folder, and a set of result pages wraped with desktop.bundles folder. In the .bem/levels/ cofiguration folder there are some instructions from which bem tools understand what to do with those different types of levels.

Dividing your project entities into blocks and bundles makes it possible to have different sets of blocks and different bundles built with those sets. For example, you can store blocks to a desktop and touch versions of your web site into the same repository as well as the pages built with them.

├── desktop.blocks/
├── desktop.bundles/
├── touch.blocks/
└── touch.bundles/

Comming back to the real world, not only bricks are the modules but lego blocks as well.

They also are to build a house. A pretty different house though.

Going futher you can detach code common for all the platforms and store it separately.

├── common.blocks/
├── desktop.blocks/
├── desktop.bundles/
├── touch.blocks/
└── touch.bundles/

With that structure desktop version of a web site gets source code from both common.blocks and desktop.blocks levels as touch version gets it from common.blocks and touch.blocks.

And before I wrap up, I cannot stop being delighted by the idea of BEM project stub. I use it a lot myself when starting projects. The Full stack quick start tutorial which you may remember demostrates how exactly. So does a friend who asked me about the basics. I never realized before that the project stub makes is possible to start a BEM project with no knowledge above. :-)

Having this written I see that describing the BEM basics is pretty easy and not very time-consuming to me being (I hope!) useful for the others. If so, please ask what you need to know.

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© Varya Stepanova 2024