Design systems - what else we can do?

Workshop on managerial and strategic aspects of design system production and promotion

The one-day workshop focused on managerial and strategic aspects of design system production and promotion. The workshop is shaped for product owners, project managers, and the whole design system team. If there is wish and possibility, you can also include relevant people from other company departments.

Research and preparation phase


Interviewing the stakeholders, about 1-2 hour in total

I interview your designers, developers, managers, and all people related to creating, using, and supporting your design system. Ideally, I would get different viewpoints: the design system team (developers, designers), the project team(s), the management. You can select who would be a good source of the interview up to your organization possibilities.


Getting insights

I gather all the information and analyze it to form the full picture of your design system structure and status, outline the issues, and potential focus areas.


Preparation of presentation and exercises

By the defined focus, I clarify the workshop day structure and align it with you. I prepare relevant exercises on the outlined topics and with relation to the obtained insights. The exercises should fit one day and include collaborative ideation on the outlined problems with commonly-used tools (Figma, Miro, Google Sheets) and custom-tailored playgrounds. We can specify the tools if you have preferences.

Workshop day

The approximate schedule of the workshop day should be as the following. The final version emerges as a result of the identified needs and focus and is aligned with you.

Design systems and design systems maturity
Design system governance and stakeholders
Measuring impact and communicating the value
Design system adoption and onboarding
Contribution models and workflows
How to scale
End of the day


The workshop helps your design system team and the other stakeholders to get mutual understanding of the current project status and figure out the right direction towards its boosting. The exercises and show-cases give you ideas of the following actions and specific recepies on how to achieve yout future design-system goals.

You can hire me and the whole Bridge-the-Gap team to set up, manage, develop, and champion your design system. I can align the design and development processes in your organisation for a larger business impact.

© Varya Stepanova 2024