How an impact measuring tool turned into a stakeholder management system
How an impact measuring tool turned into a stakeholder management system
Varya Stepanova @ Into Design Systems 2021
Design system is a great thing! But how much exactly?
Everyone has a deisgn system, so do we. How much it helps us? I dunno...
We are doing great! But this is not knowledge supported by data :-(
$ = production time + (support costs * component lifetime)
$ = (
production time + (support costs * component lifetime)
) * amount of projects
$ = production time + (support costs * component lifetime)
$ = integration costs * amount of projects
$ = $(design system) + $(projects)
production time
β survey, tracker, documented time
support costs
- estimation
integration costs
- survey, tracker, documented, estimation
component lifetime
- git history, data from design files
amount of projects
- github search, figma data, survey
production time = 10 h integration costs = 2h
support costs = 20 h/year amount of projects = 5
component lifetime = 3 years
$(without ds) = (10h + 20h*3y)*5 = 350h
$(with ds) = (10h + 20h*3y) + 2h*5 = 80h
SAVED ON THE BUTTON FOR 3 YEARS: 350h - 80h = 270h
The formulas don't have to be perfect.
They help to start a conversation with the business.
Together, you will co-create better formulas for your paricular organisation.
How easy to start? How fast are updates? Quality of documenttaion. Level of support needed.
Design system's acceptance. Level of contributions.
"Compund" number, can be obtained from JIRA, GitHub issues, etc.
Excel (cloud) / Google Sheets
Search script (GitHub API) -> CSV -> Excel
Figma stats ->
Surveys -> Excel
Code analysis ->
Example link:
Data and the tool available for everyone in the company
at project | in ds | at business level |
how much ds helps? | production costs | how do we count? |
integration costs | support costs | upcoming challenges |
ui coverage | are contributions enough? |
Also available in a text version
Making design systems successful is just as much about creating a people system as it is about creating a technical or operational one.
To build a design system, donβt start by writing code and choosing tools; start by talking to the people who will use the system. Learn about their needs and constraints, and help them solve problems.