The Best Way to Hide

31 October 2013

There is a well-known front-end pattern which is to have hidden elements in DOM and make them visible when necessary. As with any good pattern, it can be compromised by wrong implementation.

Most times, hidden means that the DOM element gets a display: none property. This approach has become even more widespread thanks to .hide() and .show() jQuery helpers.

Whenever you need to hide a visible block you use the .hide() helper which in charge of assigning an inline display: none style property, making the block invisible. When it has to become visible again, the .show() helper changes the inline CSS display property.

I believe this is a very nice example of wrong implementation.

The solution unifies all the elements around the world and assumes all of them can be hidden in the same way. But this assumption is far from reality.

Let us say we have an element in a visible state. Guess what will happen when we use .hide() and .show()? Yes, an inline style with a display property will be added. In other words, the element will not return back to its original visible state.


// <span class="my-block">..</span>


// <span class="my-block" style="display: none;">..</span>


// <span class="my-block" style="display: block;">..</span>

jQuery is clever enough to detect inline elements. By applying .hide() and .show(), you get something like this:


// <span class="my-block">...</span>


// <span class="my-block" style="display: none;">...</span>


// <span class="my-block" style="display: inline;">...</span>

Again, the block did not return to its original state after being shown. For sure, it became visible, but this state is not equivalent to the original one. Any new CSS class appended to the element with an intention to change its display property will not work as the inline style rule prevails.

The other problem is that setting display property to none doesn't always work for making an element invisible. Maybe for some reason it has to be hidden from a user with left: -9999px?

It's only the interface block implementation that should know about all the block states, including the hidden one.

Modifiers (no matter if you prefer SMACCS, OOCSS or BEM) are designed to express states of interface components. The same goes for the hidden state.

Every block you would like to hide and show should be equipped with a proper modifier:

.my-block_hidden {
  display: none;

Then, by applying this modifier and removing it from a block you can be sure it transitions into one of its predefined states:


// <span class="my-block">...</span>


// <span class="my-block my-block_hidden">...</span>


// <span class="my-block">...</span>

This enables you to provide any type of hiding, not necessarily display: none, and ensures the block returns to its original visible state when shown again.

If you prefer not to mess with all those .addClass() and .removeClass() helpers, you can teach your JavaScript to work with modifiers (e.g. as BEM does it) which will make your code even better:


// <span class="my-block">...</span>


// <span class="my-block my-block_hidden">...</span>


// <span class="my-block">...</span>

That's all. From now on you are not allowed to use .hide() and .show(). Even for prototyping :-)

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